Mo'olelo No Wakakeakaikawai
Bilingual Resource for
'Ōiwi Edge Learning & Teaching

The Mo'olelo Ka'ao, Ke Kaua Nui Weliweli Ma Waena o Pelekeahialoa Me Wakakeakaikawai was printed in the Hawaiian language newspaper, Ka Loea Kalaiaina, between March 1899 and December 1899. The aim of this research project is to transform this 26 issue newspaper column into a bilingual resource text to support Kumuola Marine Science Education Center, KS Hawai'i campus, and community stakeholder programming. The text will be heavily annotated and curriculum resources will be developed in tandem with the publication deadline in order to have a focused and highly leveraged product.
Photo Credit | Dino Morrow


In the first phase of this project, a modern 'ōlelo Hawai'i transcript of the newspaper column was completed and is ready for proof-reading.
Currently, the transcript is being prepared for phase 2, the translation phase, while research trends have been identified to start building out the first few annotations, which will include:
An abbreviated, bilingual text of the mo'olelo to establish continuity amongst our educators.
What does 'Ōiwi Edge
learning & teaching look like?
Kinolau Triad of Wakakeakaikawai | Mo'o-Nananana-I'a
Researchers will work to identify meaningful, teachable ties between the concepts introduced in the mo'olelo and the natural landscape to create a translatable resource that teachers and students can utilize to realize deep 'Ōiwi Edge learning for E Ola! This research trend will also inform the format and nature of future annotations.
This research trend involves collecting oral histories, map research, and a physical search of the Kumuola Marine Science Program site. The goal is to develop an inventory of 'ike that can be curated, preserved, and perpetuated.
Your guidance in curating these valuable resources is needed! If you have a mo'olelo or 'ike to share please contact our team at halaukupukupu@ksbe.edu.