Moʻo Research &
Innovation Methodology


Born from the need to actualize E Ola! learner outcomes without false dichotomies of culture and academic rigor, our inquiry and design of a Mo‘o Research & Innovation Methodology led us to critically examine the works of ‘ōiwi scholars from past to present. We also reviewed literature on future readiness skills, cutting-edge research in neuroscience, and models of transformative assessment for learning to determine best practice for ‘Ōiwi Edge Learning & Teaching. Generational, nonlinear, and user-driven in its design, our methodology aims to support kumu in designing, delivering and assessing purpose-based ‘Ōiwi Edge experiences that achieve E Ola!
Currently in its second iteration, this work has been shaped and formed over the past three years by a collaboration of more than fifty Hālau Kupukupu local and global stakeholders. These collaborators include educators from KSH, DOE, Hawaiian immersion, charter and Kanaeokana Network schools from across Hawai‘i, as well as cultural practitioners, renowned thought leaders, subject matter experts, community members, and system support team members of KS.