VOL. 3
Building a Learning Ecosystem at the Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi Campus
E Ulu 3 continues to serve as a repository of moʻolelo by Kumu that reflect the school redesign activities of our kauhale. As with E Ulu 1 and 2, each moʻolelo offers wisdom, inspiration, and accomplishments to build our ‘Ōiwi Edge Ecosystem. While KSH is in the beginning stages of reflecting, experimenting, and implementing various perspectives and practices that best represent our brand of education, ʻŌiwi Edge, we maintain a foundation of key elements that drive our work. In this edition of E Ulu, we not only hear from Kumu scholars, but also campus leadership, alakaʻi, and Kahu.
The work resulting from Alaukawai 14 independent innovation projects are presented as personalized excerpts, abridged action research findings, or condensed exploratory inquiries. We are also afforded a peek into Poʻo Kumu perspectives and how they create conditions that nurture our ecosystem; as well as from an alakaʻi whose “special interest group” may result in a larger task force focused on ʻŌiwi Arts.

Kaleo Kaleohano & Kahoane Aiona

The Title of the Author's E Ulu Article Go Here and should be between 50 and 100 Characters
Kainoa Bowman-Tam

The Title of the Author's E Ulu Article Go Here and should be between 50 and 100 Characters
Lehua Veincent